Shipping & Delivery
How long does shipping take?
A general timeline is 3-6 business days for the USA and 4-5 business days for the rest of the world. This may be subject to depending on high volume events, such as Black Friday.
Once our fulfilment team packs your order, it will be picked up by the shipping courier and you will be notified via email with your tracking number. As excited as we are for you to receive your new products, please keep in mind there may be delays during transit that are beyond our control. We suggest contacting your package's shipping courier for any delivery questions you may have.
Will I have to pay customs fees on my order?
If you are located outside of the United States, your order may be subject to customs fees/taxes based on the retail value of the package. These fees are not determined by Avancus and are beyond our control.
If you have questions as to why you are billed certain import fees/taxes, or would like a more detailed outline of what to expect when your package arrives in your country, we recommend contacting your local customs office.